Maintain a Winter Glow with Dermalogica and Decleor

It only seems like yesterday that we were frolicking around during one of the best summers for decades, feeling all tanned and glowing. Now, we’re well into winter and most of us have well and truly lost that glow. But, fear not – even if a tropical holiday is out …

Decleor and Dermalogica for the Body

When we think of beauty, so often we think of everything from the neck up, maybe including the décolletage if it’s lucky, but actually your beauty regime should include the whole body. The skin is the body’s largest organ and covers just about every inch of you, so keeping it …

Get Your Body Beach Ready with Dermalogica and Decleor

We see lots of articles talking about how to lose weight from here and tone up there, and if that’s your thing then all power to you. However, here at Pure Beauty, we believe that every body is beach ready…once you’ve done a little bit of basic maintenance. Here’s a …

Get Glowing Skin with Decleor and Dermalogica

Having a good complexion is often a delicate balancing act, and even if you’re lucky enough to be free from wrinkles, blemishes or dark spots, if your skin lacks that glow it’s easy to feel a little flat. There are several things that you can do to help bring that …

Pure Beauty’s Perfect Summer Swaps

When Spring finally becomes Summer, we all make lots of swaps on our every day stuff – cooler clothes come out of the back of the wardrobe, boots get swapped for sandals and coats are swapped for lighter jackets to see us through the warm evenings. It’s logical, also, to …